One of the greatest testimonials I have ever received – it’s a long one but so worth reading!
Hi David,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all that you have done for Nick. The opportunity to work with you has been PRICELESS. Since you have been working with Nick I have experienced memorable moments that I will have with me forever.
I have seen Nick grow into a confident, responsible leader as well as a competent athlete. He achieved every goal he set out for himself and watching him doing that has brought me tremendous joy. There really is no greater gift for a parent than to see pride and joy in the eyes of their child. < Nick set 4 personal best this year, qualified for State in two events and made it to the podium! >
I don’t know if he told you, but one of the coaches he was trying to get interested in him, but would only pay attention to his teammate, was actually at the state meet. Nick dominated his teammate while the SEC coach watched on the sidelines. Of course, the coach reached out to Nick after that, but he was already committed to Augusta State. It was a huge boost of confidence for Nick.
I have to admit that I was worried about this process in the beginning because I wasn’t sure that Nick would participate fully, thus wasting the money we were investing. But, the opposite came true. I believe that Nick realized that this was an investment in him alone and he took that seriously for himself and for us.
Often our children take for granted the “things” we invest in for them, i.e. electronic games, nice clothing, computers, prom, etc. I believe that is because they see the financial investment as being in the item (computer, clothes, etc.), and not necessarily in them. However, with your Mental Performance Coaching process the investment is truly in the individual. I think Nick realized that and had a great appreciation for that – which I believe has also resulted in a greater appreciation for all the other things we do for him.
The result was an athlete dedicated to making the most of the investment for himself and for us. This process also gave me an opportunity to grow as a mother. I decided from the beginning that I would “stay out of it” and let it be something that Nick owned and was accountable for all by himself. By doing that I believe he grew in responsibility and I was very proud that he stayed on track, scheduled and attended all the sessions, and made the process a priority. It allowed me to let him grow up a bit and the result has given me a confidence in him that I did not have before.
During the time that Nick worked with you, and since that time, he has opened up so much more and we have such fun conversations now. I have gotten to know him more and appreciate his knowledge and love for the sport of running.
I have become more active because I want now to make him proud of me, as well. I recently participated in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training to train for a sprint triathlon. The event we trained for months for was cancelled just hours before due to severe thunderstorms. I was so disappointed. But, I decided to register for another one right away so I could stay on track and accomplish my goal.
I asked Nick to go with me. He went with me the day before to pick up my packet and scope out the course. We enjoyed dinner together, shopped at local sporting goods store, spent the night at a hotel before the race and then he went to the race with me the next day. I was so nervous about the open water swim, but just having him there calmed my nerves and kept me at peace. I did well for an old, chubby girl. I was so thankful that Nick was there with me. On the way home I thanked him for spending those two days with me. He said it was the least he could do since I had invested so much in him.
I could go on and on with examples of the memorable moments I have had with Nick this past year. Most I of which I believe were the direct or indirect result of working with you and your coaching.
I hope to not only continue Nick with the process as he starts his collegiate career, but I would also get his brother involved. I definitely recommend the process to anyone who is considering it. They will find that the rewards are much more than just athletic accomplishments.
We look forward to working with you again in the near future.
Amy D., Atlanta, GA